Produse pentru tisane din yerba mate (2)

Frunze de Urzică Tăiate Organic

Frunze de Urzică Tăiate Organic

"The Stinging Weed Everyone has probably been stung by stinging nettles. It stings and that is why stinging nettles are called a weed. But the plant also has another side. You can eat it! Cooked nettle has a taste reminiscent of Spinzaie with cucumber. Healthy properties of Stinging Nettle Stinging nettle contains many different healthy substances, including vitamin C and various B vitamins, vitamin E and K. Minerals, especially iron, silicon and calcium. It is also an important source of chlorophyll. But tannins, proteins, flavonoids (antioxidants), mucilages and fibers are also found in stinging nettle. What can you do with stinging nettle? Stinging nettle is used in recipes for polenta, pesto, purée, nettle soup or as a herbal tea. It has anti-inflammatory properties, is good for purifying the urinary tract and the liver and it helps you to cope better with stress and fatigue. Nettle leaf has a naturally mild, vegetal flavour. Dried nettle l…"
Terra Creta - Cremă Balsamică

Terra Creta - Cremă Balsamică

Balsamico aus Griechenland ist würzig-vollmundig und kann sich durchaus mit den anspruchsvollen italienischen Produkten messen. Sie stammen von einer befreundeten Manufaktur aus Kalamata, die großen Wert auf Nachhaltigkeit und traditionelle Rezepturen legt. Der Balsamico Cream ist eine gelungene Kombination aus konzentriertem Traubenmost und gealtertem Balsamico Essig. Mit seinem süssauren Charakter eignet er sich hervorragend zum Marinieren von Fleisch oder Fisch und zur Dekoration von Salaten oder Gemüseplatten. Geben Sie Ihrem Tomaten-Mozzarella Salat mit dem Balsamico Cream von Terra Creta das gewisse Etwas. 250 ml